Copper Mountain Hiking

Hallelujah Loop
This intermediate ¾ mile trail starts at the top of the American Eagle lift at 11,250 ft. and ascends to 11,350 ft. Follow the gravel path parallel to the road (to the left as you look uphill) then cross the A-Road. Follow the arrows to continue the loop up the stone steps and through sub-alpine forests until you emerge on the edge of Hallelujah Bowl. Trail then loops back into the forest to the Vail Pass overlook and back down to the road.
Alpine Loop
This beginner trail departs from the A-Road near the top of the Super Bee and Resolution Lifts, at about 12,000 ft., watch for signs. The trail splits, leading you east to Spaulding Bowl overlook and west to Union Bowl overlook. Enjoy magnificent views of Copper, Union and Jacques’ Peak, as well as the Ten Mile, Gore and Sawatch Ranges. Beginner.